Where miles dont matter

There i was, a lone traveller waiting for the tour bus. As the orange bus pulled over, i hopped in only to find all the seats taken. There was just one left, right at the tail end.. Hopped across, and plonked in the seat, and was lost in the sights outside… Few...

The web

Well, here is my entry for Indiblogger’s Internet is fun!  with Vodafone ..  I work,surf, hunt through Google I sing songs with singers  I dance to the Aerobic videos I download music and movies  I send gifts to dear darlings I chat on...

Saraswati Park by Anjali Joseph

After reading the “Maximum City” by Suketu Mehta, “Love and Longing in Bombay” by Vikram Chandra and ofcourse  “Shantaram” by Gregory David Roberts, I was now onto reading yet another book on the Buzzing city of...
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