Wine & Cheese at Park Hyatt, Chennai

For years now I have been hearing about how wonderful Wine & Cheese combination is. But I am quite clueless on what wine is good with what cheese and why. So when Park Hyatt announced a Wine & Cheese festival, I had to attend it, if only to quench my...

Sunday Brunch at Little Italy, Besant Nagar

A hot cup of Cappuccino  followed by  A  bowl of hot sweet delicious mushroom soup A plate of crunchy nachos with salsa and guacamole A bite of the cheese & corn balls and 2 kinds of Bruschettas Oh and the rich jalapeno dip This is how the...

Darios and new treats on the menu

A restaurant I love visiting Heck, my entire family loves this place Serving up some yummy Italian Pure veg dishes They serve the most amazing Asparagus Risotto and lime cheese cake. Enough or need more hints? Am talking about Darios in Kasturi Rangan Road....

The Bistro Story, Chennai

“We started our careers together and always wanted to have our own Bistro kind of a place. And since we are now together, working in our Bistro, the place is called The Bistro Story” said Ravi [one of the owners]. That was the clue- The Bistro Story is where we...
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