Day 14… What kind of a traveller are you?

I have been travelling and been wanting to travel only in the recent past, the bug has bit me… The urge to up and go is quite high, come weekend or holidays…  I had recently written about Travelling means to me … Now, i wanna write about...

Day 12 Bells

The city that we all loveA city with a lot of powerbeautiful buildingstall towers A place surrounded with historyRooted deep with our countryGates and gardensscattered across we shall see Who am i?  If you are able to identify these 2pics [both are from the same...

K 5

Its not a new mountain that has been found … it is what has me addicted , hooked and  giving me sleepless[well, almost] nights… Klueless 5, the latest from the creators of Klueless… For all those with a blank stare, wondering what language am...

It was

 one of those random moments where i was bored and took a blogthings quiz…. Must say the outcome is pretty interesting….. !!         People Love That You’re Witty and Funny ...


After long, caught in a tag.. this time by a new Blogger friend, Gils !!..     1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn on page 18 and find line 4? As it turned out,i did not wet the bed,probaby because i was at long last away from home and the memories...
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